It was the last night of Meira’s visit. We shot some amazing content during the few days she was here and as I mentioned before, after this visit she called and we booked a second longer visit for the next month. Badman and Paige were enjoying the evening with Stef and I. Meira had picked up some art materials and was doing some sketches of Stef, who had asked Meira to draw her. As Meira finished up the sketch I suggested that perhaps she could draw one for me with Stef tied up. This scene is the result of that. As I tied Stef, Meira drew. Badman and Paige grabbed my cameras and recorded. After Meira finished drawing, she enjoyed Stef as we enjoyed watching. Those two were pure passion together.
As promised, Meira arrived in February for her second visit. This time it was for a week. She stayed with Stef for a couple days but then stayed with me for the balance of her visit. As that week went on we became close and by the time she left I had feelings that I had not had since KC and I would say she had feelings for me as well. We shot many scenes that week that will be spread out over 2007’s video releases, many are with me playing with my newest pet, but also, enjoying the other women I was close to, as she was far more into being sexual with women than men. This scene with my muse going down on a spread eagle Paige Turner is still one of my favorite scenes to go back and enjoy.
After Meira left I became more comfortable with having a model be my guest for a few days to a week. One model I met at Fetishcon that really liked me and my style of play was Leah Lavada. We played at previous cons privately and this was an opportunity to book her for some scenes. This is one where we spent a day traveling out of town to the home of Fayth. We planned on outdoor shooting but the rain sent us inside. This two girl tie is the result of that visit.
2007 was going to become the year of two girl bondage play scenes and hosting models for both personal and professional play.
Meira with Stef was recorded January 18, 2007. Meira with Paige was recorded February 13, 2007. Leah with Fayth was recorded March 3, 2007