By December 2004 I decided to go to Florida again when I should be going there, in the middle of a Northeast Ohio winter. Badman Jerry and Paige Turner invited me to stay with them in Georgia on the way down. When Crystal Frost found out that I was making the trip, she asked if she could ride along, as she had friends in Florida as well. Right after Christmas, I loaded up the car, met Crystal and headed south.
When Crystal met up with me she mentioned that she will need extra makeup to cover a spider bite she got. I thought nothing of it at the time, but when you see the videos and look close, Crystal is always wearing stockings and a closer inspection will catch the bandage covering the bite area as as we traveled it started swelling up. We arrived in Georgia and enjoyed a couple days with Badman Jerry and his wife who I enjoyed in Pittsburgh with Fayth just a couple months prior. This video is the day of shooting, starting with Paige and Crystal in a two girl predicament. In scene two Paige gives Crystal enough orgasms to make her forget her spider bite. In the final scene I tie Paige to her couch for multiple orgasms, tickling her with vibrators hanging from her tied nipples down her sides. It was a fun couple days but after this shoot it was time to head to Tampa, for before the trip I found out that Christina Carter would come up and meet me for a shoot before I headed over to my dad’s place. But that is for the next video.
You will notice that the next three videos I post will be out of sequence. For some reason I to this day cant not explain, I did not release these videos in chronological order. In fact, I released them completely backwards. So in order to properly blog this first Holiday trip to Florida, I will release these in order, literally three shoots in three days. Ah to be young(er).
Enjoy the first shoot of three hectic and fun filled days in a row to start my Florida shooting vacation. Shot December 29, 2004